Piano Exercises

By Irma Albertee
Regular price $29.99

Irma Albertee has been a piano instructor for over 25 years. She created Piano Exercises for the improvement of sight reading and technique for her students. This book covers the basics of counting notes, dynamic signs, articulation, and how to sit at the piano. Albertee credits these exercises for helping her students achieve fluency, independence, and precise force of the fingers. These exercises are designed for piano students of any age who want to gain a better understanding of the language of music.

About the Author

Irma Albertee is a pianist, organist, and instructor. She has a Master’s degree from the Armenia Conservatory in Yerevan. She has been a piano instructor for over 25 years; the last fifteen of those have included running her business, Piano Without Tears. She performs at events.

Published: 2018
Page Count: 100