Narrative Still-Life Paintings

By Yale Factor
Regular price $29.00

The narrative still life oil paintings in this book were completed over a period of twelve years.  These paintings represent specific places and events in my life.   Some of the paintings are easily interpreted, others less so and will be up to the viewer to decipher based on their life experiences, as it always is.

About the Author

Yale Factor was born in Chicago, received his degrees in painting and drawing from SIU. in Carbondale, Texas A&M, and studied printmaking at Cal State, Hayward. After sharing a studio with his great aunt in Paris, he returned to the USA and became a scientific illustrator at the Field Museum of Natural History, in Chicago. He left this position to become a professor at Northern Illinois University, in DeKalb, Illinois.

Prior to being granted the status of Professor Emeritus upon retiring, he was the Director of Graduate Studies for the School of Art. He taught art for 32 years and has been exhibiting in galleries and museums nationally for over 45 years.

Published: 2024
Page Count: 70

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