Live What You Preach: One Family's Struggle To Live A Simple, Organic Lifestyle

By E. Lowell Morgan
Regular price $31.00

From hunting for herbs to hunting for food, fishing, raising farm animals, canning goods, building furniture, and everything in between, discover a lifestyle that is completely counter to what many experience today.

Live What You Preach is a collection of essays detailing how E. Lowell Morgan and his family not only survived, but thrived, in their chosen lifestyle, triumphing over difficult times as they endeavored to live an organic, simple life, while raising a large family in a rural setting in Tennessee.

About the Author

Many years ago, disappointment in agricultural academia drove E. Lowell Mogan to seek a different way of life, so he and his family decided to try life “off the grid,” where he and his wife homeschooled their children and there wasn’t much community involvement. His special interests included teaching his children and history, which he tried to pass on to family. He believes all children are blessings. 

Prior to life off the grid, Morgan was a research coordinator at Auburn University and worked in animal research. He studied hormones in meat and milk and the side effects of it, which is largely what prompted his and his family’s lifestyle change.

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 216

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Kathryn Stutts Vernor
Loved this book!

I grew up in Cherokee, AL just down the road from Lowell so I knew the people in his stories about his childhood. I so much enjoyed his book that I am buying extra copies for gifts.

Steve Putnam
Live What You Preach

The recent book written by my friend, Edgar Lowell Morgan, "Live What You Preach", is a rare gem, providing an immersive experience that can only be told by a true "storyteller".

This autobiography is filled with endearing tales of a life well-lived, describes interesting experiences, and gives hints for readers who desire a simpler life.

Lowell has truly taken the "The Road Less Traveled", making his life fun and interesting - touching so many other lives.

Lowell's success is evident:
The wonderful and independent children he and Rita have raised and the values they've instilled in them (both love for hard work and fun); the many friends they have kept and made; and the many people who love them. The list goes on and on...

This book will take you to many interesting places and is highly recommended by this reader.

Steve Putnam,
(the little-bit fat city boy)