Greek Grammar To Master Parsing Quickly

By Dai Sun Lee
Regular price $136.00

From the Author:
'Greek Grammar to Master Parsing Quickly' comes from
'A Brief Introduction to New Testament Greek' by Samuel G. Blue. brought this book (by Samuel G. Blue) to the public domain.

I have taught biblical Greek in the Greater Los Angeles Area
universities in the evening classroom. I teach Greek four hours one night. Many students in my classroom come to school to study Greek in night time.

This situation made me design a new page layout of Greek Grammar book in order to train students in the classroom. A newly designed page layout of ’Greek Grammar to Master Parsing Quickly’ includes a Greek sentence, a verb parsing, a set of terminations below a Greek sentence, and an English translation.

Using this new page layout of ’Greek Grammar to Master Parsing Quickly’, students began to recite a set of terminations after they read a Greek sentence. Week after week, I gradually realized that students become to parse Greek verbs competently. This is why I decided to publish my book to announce the new page layout of ’Greek Grammar to Master Parsing Quickly.’ This is the book designed to master Greek parsing quickly in a semester.

Published: 2020
Page Count: 512