On Being Old: (With Acceptance And Gratitude)

By Mary Jo MacIntyre, Nadine Ann Shirley, Sandra (Sam) Studiner
Regular price $23.00

On Being Old (with Acceptance and Gratitude) is a true story of how three friends happened to get together after many years of total separation from each other. Mary Jo, Nadine, and Sam took up right where they left off, talking and laughing, questioning and filling each other in about their lives. They discussed the feelings that come with aging, the fears, and the physical changes. They communicated more honestly than in their younger days and covered topics that they had not in the past.

Read this heartwarming collection of personal stories, from three totally different people with totally different views on most subjects, and perhaps you will identify with one of the characters and find a path and companionship into yourself as they did.


Darryl Silva

"I read it and enjoyed it. It was a great take on the big issues everyone deals with. It’s funny – there was a section where you thought of yourself as still adolescent at one point in your life, but when you worked for me you brought such mature leadership that spread throughout the program to others. I remember walking you to the elevator on 12/12/12 and can’t believe that was nine years ago."

Shana Campbell

"Timing is everything! A much needed look into “The good old life.” With my mom’s outlook on life lately, she has made aging look unbearable. While her diminished mental capacities play into it, I didn’t realize how much I needed some positive motherly insight and guidance. Your three takes on the aging game helped more than you will know. Can’t tell you how much I needed to see joy and acceptance of this natural process and am grateful you all have kept mentally healthy to write this charming, sincere, insightful book. Thank You."

Dianne Patterson

"I really enjoyed this book. The honesty and humor are so refreshing! I saw myself in many of your thoughts and stories and love the graphics and quotations that introduced each chapter. The book is full of good advice for us seniors but my favorite is chapter 8, The Philosophy of Life. You ladies have shown that there is more than one way to make this journey. You should take pride in a job well done!"
Mark and Judie Leseman
"Judie and I both read this book and loved it. Of course, being a good friend of one of the writers helped. Her memories were the best. However, with all the stories and remembrances we were able to bring back similar thoughts to our past. It can be hard growing old and sometimes all we have is the memories. But, we did enjoy them as they came and reminded us of all the good times we had growing up with such a diversified group of friends. This is easy reading and one of those books you just don't want to put down. Always looking forward to the next memory. Thanks to all these women who shared their life with us."
Sally Iadarola

"I just finished reading my current best book on growing Old w/ Acceptance and Gratitude. I enjoyed and related to each of these 3 Ladies. What a WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE.?!THANKS for sharing. I do want to read it again - it is so 'true to life'.

Well, the book is absolutely charming! ....Such generous women to write so honestly.

I read the book almost immediately upon receiving itI Googled “a Cursillo” - had not heard of it before.

It would be fun to meet all three of these marvelous women some day. The book, I must add, is so very well written. And, I liked the format, allowing each of the women a voice in each chapter on well-chosen topics.

Congratulations to the authors."

Published: 2020
Page Count: 164

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Dennis Ness
Growing old

Views on life are appropriate for all age groups but especially us real oldies!! Opinions apply to both men and women. Good book!!