The Sons of Bitche: Inspired by the WWII Heroics of the U.S. 100th Infantry Division in France

By Joseph Militano
Regular price $16.00

They were called a bunch of rag-tag soldiers, a “show division” not really meant for battle, knitted together among others with actors from the Army’s discontinued War Show Task Force and a defunct Army college program for soldiers not destined for any combat. But then they attacked the vaunted Maginot Line of underground fortresses occupied by the Nazis, arguably the stiffest spot along the Franco-German Rhine River border of Alsace, France. By the time the dust settled, the 100th had advanced further east than any division of the U.S. Seventh Army in the overlooked, yet supremely critical, third and southern front against Adolph Hitler.


About the Author

Joseph Militano is a former investigative reporter and senior defense industry executive of more than forty years. His personal interest in the Sons of Bitche stems from his father, who served with the 100th Infantry Division in WWII. Prior related works include publishing of the defense industry publication, The Defender, and editor of the book I Remember Papa...A Sicilian-Americans Century that includes the account of a young U.S. soldier going off to war in France, leaving his pregnant wife behind.

Published: 2024
Page Count: 166

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Tom H.
The Sons Of Bitche

Tom Hall, retired Lockheed Martin executive and father of Sergeants Gregory and Logan Hall ofthe United States Marine Corps: “The Sons Of Bitche deftly reminds us that, during some of mankind’s darkest days, the character and courage of outwardly ordinary American GIs kept the
fires of freedom burning and defended the virtues of civilized societies in the United States and around the world.”

William L.
The Sons Of Bitche

William J. Lynn, former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense and CEO of Leonardo DRS: The Sons Of Bitche pulls the reader right down into the foxholes of eastern France alongside the brave soldiers of the U.S. 100th Infantry Division in World War II, providing a unique perspective of the horrors of war, the courage of the men who fight it, and the suffering of the
civilians caught up in the battle.”

Paul M.
The Sons of Bitche

Retired Lt. General Paul T. Mikolashek, former Commanding General U.S. Third Army and first
ground force commander in Afghanistan after 9/11: “The Sons of Bitche is the fascinating story
of the U.S. Soldiers, French civilians and German troops caught up in one of the lesser known,
but no less brutal series of World War II battles in Europe in 1944. From the perspective of the
young American Soldiers, who endured incredible hardships overcoming the rugged terrain,
frigid winter weather, and a determined foe, the book brings to life the challenges they
facedand the skills, training and imagination they usedto prevail and rise to victory in the so-
called “Champagne Campaign” in the Vosges Mountains of eastern France. The Sons Of Bitche
also is the story of the tragedies faced by the local populace of Alsace, France, and the horrors of
the German occupation before their liberation by the 100 th Infantry Division. There are great
lessons here about teamwork, leadership and the human dimension of war.”

Colonel (Dr.) Robert S. Michaelson
The Sons Of Bitche

Colonel (Dr.) Robert S. Michaelson USAF Medical Corps (Ret.), son of T5 Samuel “Mickey” Michaelson, 397th Infantry Regiment, U.S. 100th Infantry Division in France in 1944-45: “Most WWII veterans had no desire to talk about the war. My father never did. I had no idea what he went through. Then my mother passed away and I found dad’s membership card for the 100th Infantry Division Association. The “The Sons Of Bitche” fills in many of the gaps in an insightful, informative story about the 100th that deserves to be told and should be in every WWII enthusiast’s library. By the end, I had tears in my eyes. I could finally see what my father and his fellow Soldiers went through during the war.”

Tom Culligan
The Sons Of Bitche

Tom Culligan, former CEO of Raytheon International, Business Development and Congressional Affairs: “As an avid reader of World War II genre, I found The Sons Of Bitche hard to put down. Having personally toured the Maginot Line along the French Rhine River border with Germany, one can only envision what those brave young American soldiers went through to liberate the region from Nazi tyranny. It’s an engaging story from the beginning right through till the end.”