Collection Of Poetry (Haltom)

By Cynthia L. Haltom
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Collection of Poetry: Introducing the Valley of Cattong with Deputy Dawg and Miss Kitty

In her debut collection of poetry, Cynthia L. Haltom invites readers into a world of sorrow, of bitterness and heartbreak, of obsession and, finally, of redemption and love. These pieces reflect a difficult time in Haltoms life, about her family as they saw her and as she saw herself. Her health, near-death experience, and awakening gave her a new appreciation for life.

Vivid imagery and creative wordplay accentuate A Collection of Poetry, allowing readers to feel the highs and lows. More than just a reflection of one womans journey, these poems call out to readers and haunt their psyches. Haltoms writing is powerful and fierce and will touch you in deep in your soul.

Along with her collection of verse, Haltom introduces us to her fiction writing in The Adventures of Deputy Dawg and Miss Kitty in the Valley of Cattong, her first in a series of pieces about her family cat, Deputy Dawg, and his adventures in Cattong Valley. This sweet and funny story is a lovely addition to the collection and brings a bright and fitting close to Haltoms work.

About the Author

Cynthia L. Halton has earned both bachelors and masters degrees in Education. A native of California, Ms. Haltom has lived in Washington State on and off for the past fifteen years. She and her partner, Bob Burrell, share three children: son Paul and daughters Esther and Hanna. Ms. Haltom enjoys reading poetry and novels as well as abstract woodworking. Passing through life has given her great experiences to share with others who might face similar situations.

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Published: 2012
Page Count: 30

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Shirley Applegate
Very Realistic Content

Beautiful writing about this person's life and experiences, heartfelt and informative.