The Secret Of The Bluff

By Lynn DeClare
Regular price $25.00

Since she was nine years old, Becca McCain has had dreams of a frightened, nameless little girl standing atop a bluff. Now a published author, she is returning home after a failed marriage to rebuild her life in the home where her father was raised, a place steeped in mystery due to the disappearances of her father’s two younger sisters – eight-year-old Casey and seventeen-year-old Autumn. The two girls disappeared without a trace six years apart and are never heard from again. Soon after Becca’s arrival, the dreams become something more than her dreams of a frightened girl. As she begins renovations on the home she plans to make her own, strange things begin to happen. When she befriends an autistic woman named Josephine who knew her two aunts when she was a child, Becca receives a cryptic warning of danger – “Be careful. He’s coming. He’ll hurt you.” Becca must use whatever skills she has to find answers to these mysteries. As her friendship with Josephine grows, she believes Josephine may be the key to the answers she seeks, answers she must find before her name is added to the list of the missing.

About the Author

Lynn DeClare was born in Louisiana, where she also currently resides. She is a mostly private person whose social activities revolve around her church. She is part of several community groups in her church that pray for and take care of others in their church family.

Lynn loves her family and has devoted a good portion of the last 20 years helping with the care of her mother-in-law and then her mother until both passed away. Over the last four years, she has also babysat for her grand-daughter. Additionally, DeClare graduated with her associate degree in surgical technology in 2008, but was then pulled into other directions due to family obligations. She loves to read and has always wanted to try writing, so she started this book in 2014 after her cousin John fell into a well and her imagination began to run wild with the story told in this book.

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 378

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Patti Salley
The Secret of the Bluff

This book is wonderful!!!! Very suspenseful and holds your attention. All the way thru! Perfectly written. Hopefully we will see more from Lynn Declaire.