Life Through The Eyes Of A Woman

By Eyquionette Latin
Regular price $16.00

Life through the Eyes of a Woman is a compilation of stories about women walking through the storms of life. These women deal with the abuse, neglect, and loss that come with poor relationships, but also the love, security, and passion that should accompany healthy relationships. Yet, no matter what these women are put through, they always find it within themselves to come out on the other side stronger than before. Life through the Eyes of a Woman is intended for women from all walks of life who are in need of a firm, but gentle, guiding hand to assist them with life’s difficult choices and curveballs.

About the Author

Eyquionette Latin was inspired to write Life through the Eyes of a Woman because she sought a work to which all women could relate. She really wanted to write a book that was realistic and would serve as a guide for young women to help them with life’s tough choices.

Ms. Latin holds a Master of Science degree from Texas Southern University and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Health Care Informatics at Capella University. She is also a survivor of domestic abuse. Ms. Latin currently works in public service as a Mental Health Case Worker. She was previously employed as an In-Home Investigator, in which she protected the elderly and disabled from abuse and exploitation. Her hobbies include watching movies, bowling, spoiling her dog Yeti and spending time with her family. Ms. Latin resides in the great state of Texas.

Published: 2018
Page Count: 204

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Sheila Latin-Nwasuruba
Life through the Eyes of a woman

Life through the Eyes of a Woman is a culmination of fictional short stories depicting the lives and struggles of women from all socio-economic backgrounds dealing with relationships. These women are influenced by their partners, their perception of what society expects of them and their personal concept of what they feel their lives should be and would be if they put forth a little more effort.
I enjoyed the book because it was entertaining and engaging; I felt passion and could identify with several of the female characters in the stories. I was able to see how I have grown over the years from being like Dewayne’s woman to becoming a strong educated woman like Nicole. The stories had good themes and provided clear messages about behavior that is enabling and sometimes self-destructive. The author left me wanting more; when I completed the book, I was wondering what happened to the characters. What type of person is Dewayne today? Is Oliver more dependable? Has Steven or A. J. changed his sexual behavior? How have the women grown?
What I did not like about the book is the foul language and sexual scenes because they were a little embarrassing to read but depicted exactly how cruel and entitled the males felt. Some stories were a little long and wordy, but they did hold my interest. I felt that the characters’ names were repeated to often within some of the paragraphs, so it changed the flow of the reading. A couple of the stories were very intense and negatively impacted my mood because they seemed so realistic and personal.