Dirty Wedding Dress: The Dirty Past

By Audrey Malone
Regular price $23.00

“Don’t get drug through the mud to end up at the altar in a dirty wedding dress”

I swear, every day of my life, not a day goes by where there isn't a relationship crises that I am pulled into. It doesn't matter where I go; someone is talking about relationships and marriages. Hell, love and relationships are the top talking points at my gynecologist office, geesh!

Both men and women aspire to attain a traditional “happily ever after” in their relationships/marriages, it seems. However, it's looking more and more as if the tradition of marriage is being discarded and strewn to the wayside in our fast-paced society.

Too many relationships are plagued with infidelity, abuse, financial woes, and an absence of a spiritual foundation. With that recipe, how can a relationship survive and thrive?

After countless lessons in my life and simply observing others, I’ve witnessed and learned a lot. If marriage or a committed relationship is what you desire, complaining to others will most likely not yield a positive result.

There are some things you must never forget! Some things are good. Some things are bad. Others are simply a lesson you’re meant to learn.

You are about to experience an immersive lesson on relationships and what it all means in this real world, and it's guaranteed to be a lesson you will never forget!

“Her white dress and white veil signifies her innocence, which is glowingly visible on her face. Meanwhile, her side smile tells the entire story of her tainted love affair.”

“Some of our behaviors were quite nefarious. Behind the “good girl” public image, there lived a fun girl to the 100th power!”

“But through it all, your father always professed his love for me. He swore he'd never leave me. He said he didn’t know why he beat me, but he was so sorry…always sorry.”

 “I thought if I could just hold on and gain the title of being his wife, all the wrongdoings would somehow instantaneously be made right.”

 “He would come by our house to see my mother for a few hours, here and there. He never once stayed overnight.”

 “Barely able to speak, she said, “I can't do this anymore.”

 Dirty Wedding Dress

“The Dirty Cheater”

 The Novel

“The Day I Met Oprah”

About the Author

I was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia where fun times, eateries and big business with an international flair is always a “trending topic!”

They call us “Grady babies” because if you’re a native Atlantan, then more likely than not, you were born at Grady Memorial Hospital.

I am the middle of seven children. My greatest accomplishment to date is being gifted with the awesome title of “Mommie” to three adult children and five grandbabies, who dare not ever call me Grandma!

I was born to entertain. However, being a “Preacher's Kid”, I often felt my outgoing personality and passion for music, clubs, bars and large crowds seemed misplaced.

I became known to many around the city after co-hosting large outdoor cookouts and other promoter events. I was instrumental in producing a wave of local football viewing parties, which is now a worldwide phenomenon.

I am proud to have spearheaded an all-female indie record label, supported by an all-female promotion team, at a time when none existed. I was born to entertain.

Like most, I too have struggled through the perplexity of failed relationships. But the institution of marriage, coupled with a strong family structure remains paramount for harmony to exist within our society. God is asking us to come back to the Bridegroom. Will you come?


Stacy Mack Norris:
So I finished my girls book in ONE night. I literally couldn't put it down. I was no good for work the next day but I didn't care. Truly a wonderful read, told from a surprising perspective! If you have ever been through any difficulties in life. You will love it. Audrey, I'm so proud of you. Can't wait for your next one!! #DIRTYWEDDINGDRESS
Tiffany M. Jones 
Audrey Malone your book is a “Fantastic” read! I finished reading it in one night I couldn’t put it down. My emotions were all over the place. Kim Hunt you were on point the book was full of twists & turns, I enjoyed the ride. I truly identified with several of the story lines. Audrey, your creativity is phenomenal. I’m looking forward to your next book. Awesome Job Congrats!
Gainelle Blasingame Johnson
Okay guy so I've finished my first pandemic reading Experience.
Dirty Wedding Dress The Dirty Past.
When I tell you this is a Must-Read.
I met this young Lady through her sister. Christa Malone whom I call my goddaughter over 20 years ago.
After meeting Audrey & "Christy Buggy's" mother Pastor Betty Malone. Betty & I fastly became very Close Friends. I've always known Audrey to have an Entrepreneur Spirit! When we first met she was just closing down Her Beauty Salon. 
She had acquired her Broker's License and open up her Real Estate company A+ Capital Mortgage. Where she Employed me as a Loan Processor back in 2000. So when I heard Audrey had written a book. I was not Surprised. 
About three weeks ago I purchased Audrey's book via Amazon Prime. Truthfully at first I did it really just in Support. After Audrey & I spoke over the phone talking for about an hour about her Book where our life Journey had taken us & what the Future held for her. 
I decided I better read it for myself. From that point I have not been able to put it down. Due to my weekly chores. Taking on the role as Monday through Friday Gigi/teacher. I've only been able to read on the weekend's. But when I tell you I'm sad to come to the end. Because this book was sooo Good!!!
I've been Married for over 40 years now & some of the experiences in this book holds as true life experiences. An ohhhh but the Spiritual Imput from Pastor Betty in chapter 21. Which was one of my Favorite parts! Thank God that's where He see fit for my Marriage to be today . It was so Uplifting...
I Encourage Everyone weather married single looking to be married or just looking for something good to read.
Please Purchase this book You Won't Regret lt.
Hats off to you "Author Audrey Malone".
Young Lady once again you've done your Thing!!
Betty Malone
“When my daughter Audrey told me she was going to write a book; She never gave me details about the book, really.
But, when I read the book; it BLEW ME AWAY!
The storylines were fantastic. The creativity of the writing was electrifying!
There were many storylines that I connected to. But, I was really drawn to Madison and Ethan. I witnessed the power of God first hand.
I laughed, cried and rejoiced!! I encourage everyone to go out and buy this book.I rate this book 10 out of 10 stars
Angela McDowell
If your looking for a great book to read, I highly recommend this book. The title carry weight, be prepared for the message. You will find that there is at least one, if not more paragraphs, that will encourage, uplift and give insight to any relationship. Audrey Malone, your book will serve as a therapeutic overhaul to all relationships, good and bad. “The Dirty Wedding Dress”, will cleanse some souls.
Christa Malone
I’m excited to say that I just finished reading my sister Audrey Malone’s first book. My first reaction was WOW, big Sis is an author, and a good one!
Vuntressa Brown
I said to myself “ O I’ll take my time and read it over a few days”...... Girl, I read that book in one day! As a matter of fact, 3-4 hours. Once I got into it, I wanted to know what would happen next!! Men should definitely read this book too!!
Kim Hunt
So, I started reading this book last night. I got through about 50 pages and said “ok I will just read a little everyday for the next few days” NOPE! While sitting under the hair dryer today it was like the book just took flight!! I could not put it down and was done within 2 hours!!! Audrey you were right, there were lots of twists and turns, chile I had to just put my seatbelt on and enjoy the ride! If you haven’t purchased your copy don’t wait because I foresee a virtual book club meeting coming soon I related, felt empathy, felt compassion, and felt the spirit! This was a great read! One of my favorite lines “There comes an instance in one’s life when an action or inaction can completely change the tide of a situation” #Proud #COD
Erika Fulton
This book was so good! It had so many turns I couldn't put it down. My takeaway was to put God first in your relationship and go to counseling!
This was a great read! Waiting on the next one!!
Miko Brown
If you haven't purchased your book please do! Great book. I thought I knew all the dirty laundry. oh boy. Noooo way.
God is sooo awesome!
Sheryl Fleetwood
The Dirty Wedding Dress is a hit! I loved every minute of it.
Destiny Fleetwood
Dirty Wedding Dress was soooo good. I'm ready for the next one!
Lucretia Simmons
I really enjoyed this book! I finished it in 2 days. I could not put it down. Waiting on my autograph

Published: 2020
Page Count: 180

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Kimberly Hunt

I thoroughly enjoyed this read! It made me laugh, cry, and relate. I also loved all spiritual encouragement that was felt throughout each chapter. I can’t wait on the next read from this talented author

Kimberly Hunt
Loved It!

So, I started reading this book last night. I got through about 50 pages and said “ok I will just read a little everyday for the next few days” NOPE! While sitting under the hair dryer today it was like the book just took flight!! I could not put it down and was done within 2 hours!!! Audrey you were right, there were lots of twists and turns, chile I had to just put my seatbelt on and enjoy the ride! If you haven’t purchased your copy don’t wait because I foresee a virtual book club meeting coming soon

Deborah Hunter
Dirty Wedding Dress book review

This book was a great book to read. It felt like I developed a relationship with the characters and felt the same emotions they went through. Audrey's creativity never cease to amaze me. I can hardly wait for the next book.