An Absence Of Honor: Activist Essays

By Dr. Diana Beard-Williams
Regular price $33.00

An Absence of Honor is a collection of essays exploring the different layers of intrigue, self-examination, and retribution an activist in any community may encounter. In her essays, author and experienced activist Dr. Diana Beard-Williams speaks both of the rewards living the life of an activist can bring, but also of the dangers any aspiring activist may face, as activism is not about glamour and glory, but self-expression, self-determination, and sometimes self-protection.

Learn the Ten Commandments of activism and arm yourself with the knowledge to protect yourself and others. If your purpose is to one day become a smart, successful, and safe activist, Beard-Williams will lead the way.

About the Author

Dr. Diana Beard-Williams offers this bible on activism after receiving many educational and professional accolades and degrees. She has walked the walk of being a whistleblower involving the Palmdale, California public school district and the filing of a million dollar Qui Tam Complaint. She has carried out management assignments for both public and private corporations like the Aetna Life & Casualty and the Urban League and has hosted a daily community radio talk show receiving high Accutron ratings.

She has traveled extensively both nationally and internationally and is proud to have met many formidable individuals including the Honorable Nelson Mandela, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Congressman Elijah Cummings, U.S. Olympian Dr. Dorothy Richardson, UCLA legendary coach John Wooden and basketball great Kobe Bryant. It is Dr. Beard-Williams’ belief that the quality of life is about a foundation and purpose, and that anger can empower you while bitterness stifles. She believes that we are the architects of our lives and our communities regardless of our own challenging imperfections. We thus have a responsibility to share our voice about what must happen in America to realize continued progress.

Published: 2020
Page Count: 170