My Mind's Eye In The Face Of A Pandemic

By Shirley Ann Christian Kyles
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My Mind’s Eye in the Face of A Pandemic is about the past, the present, and the future of the world we live in, and how we as individuals view that world. Shirley Ann Christian Kyles’ experiences and struggles that she has endured as a human being relates to all of humanity. We all live with adversity, inequality, and oppression, in one form or another.

The poetry in this collection is based on Christian Kyles’ thoughts, emotions, and innermost feelings, as seen through the eyes of a black woman born and raised in the south and having experienced first-hand, picking cotton from sun up to sundown, knowing the fear of being chased from her home in the middle of the night running from the Ku Klux Klan, to marching in the streets for justice out west in Las Vegas, Nevada.

About the Author

Shirley Ann Christian Kyles is very active in the church where she attends. She teaches adult and young ladies' bible classes. She loves to read and write. She loves nature, the universe, land and sea. Traveling is one of her favorite pastimes. Christian Kyles especially loves to go on cruises. She enjoys special time with her family, cooking and hosting large dinner gatherings.

Christian Kyles holds a degree in Human Services and Business specializing in Critical Business Decision Making and Counseling.

(2022, paperback, 30 pages)

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Published: 2022
Page Count: 30

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Camille Christian

Literally the most Fascinating read. Each and every poem is so beautifully written. Definitely worth reading (repetitively). Can't wait for the Next one!!