The Magical Cloud Calamity

By Linus Phillips, Norah Phillips, & Patricia Macko
Regular price $24.00

The age-old practice of cloud watching is a form of entertainment that is passed down from generation to generation. Who doesn’t remember a day in their childhood, laying on the grass and looking up at the fluffy white clouds in the sky as they take the shape of animals, people, and interesting objects? This book is the result of doing just that with the author’s grandchildren. The Magical Cloud Calamity turns this activity into an adventure for twins Cody and Rose as the result of a secret shared with their beloved Gram. The author hopes this book will help children and grandparents everywhere find that cloud watching together will create fond memories for years to come.

About the Author

A professional background of thirty years as a corporate marketing executive gives Patricia Macko the ability to build a story of interest and appeal. This children’s story displays her gift for storytelling and is based on a day spent with her grandchildren, sitting on the patio, looking up at the sky together. They wrote this book together. Patricia was named Woman of Marketing Excellence by the YWCA’s program to recognize and reward female marketing professionals of note. Recently retired, Patricia now enjoys travel, reading, cooking, volunteering, and spending time with her nine grandchildren.

Published: 2020
Page Count: 50