Just Keep Living

By Eddie Leroy Johnson
Regular price $10.00

In this memoir, Eddie Leroy Johnson recounts his life as a Black American from the latter 1940s to the early 2000s. Written before our current climate of race and equity, this book was intended to provide a Black man’s view on how to live in the United States.

Though Eddie Leroy Johnson experienced change after change that seemed to keep coming back to the idea that White is right and Black is not, his life shows what can be accomplished despite these obstacles. Sharing the experiences and wisdom he learned along the way, Johnson reminds his readers to treasure family and faith.

Most of all, Just Keep Living!

About the Author

Eddie Leroy Johnson is a Black American who now is classified as African American. He has a strong belief in God, in doing unto others as he would like to be treated. Everyone is a child of God (human), and we all share the same wishes and wants.

Published: 2021
Page Count: 64