200 Quick Cash Jobs: Guaranteed Self-Employment Alternatives
Tired of standing by, working for others and watching them collect their fortunes? In 200 Quick Cash Jobs, Todd R. Abernathy exposes the best-kept secrets in money-making ever! In 200 Quick Cash Jobs, Todd R. Abernathy reminds us we are all potential entrepreneurs - all we must do is act upon our ideas. Simply rediscover what you love doing and follow the necessary steps to implement your ideas. There is something in 200 Quick Cash Jobs for everyone. It provides simple, practical methods on how to realize your dreams and become wealthy in the process.
About the Author
Todd R. Abernathy is a native of New Orleans and is a sales and marketing entrepreneur. As a successful, self-employed businessman, he wanted people to help others make it in their own businesses and give average people their moneys worth. He has many special interests aside from marketing, such as songwriting and recording music. Mr. Abernathy now resides in Springfield, Louisiana.
Published: 2007
Page Count: 40