102 Sketches On How To Lead: The Course

By Daniel A. Niemann
Regular price $14.00

In life or in the business world, what does it take to be a leader? If we take for granted what we do as managers, planning and preparing operational activities, then leadership sees to it that it happens, that the envisioned objectives are attained. Managers should have a workable plan; leaders have to think out of the box and ahead. As manager I plan the perfect operation as leader I make it work and bring it to excel. I do it by fully involving my resource people. Leaders cause people to see and to embrace the new, the better world. All this does not happen from one day to the next. It requires leaders to think out of the box, way ahead. As managers we function as part of the organization. As leader we have to think ahead and prepare for a better future. If I do not have the license to take action, I should pass on my insights. Every ship must have a good course or it will founder. The same goes for companies and too for every man and or woman. Leadership is a universal requirement, jet when it becomes overbearing, when it is not based on common ground, it may be likened to the pest. The course lets you better set your course.

About the Author

Daniel Niemann was born in New Jersey, but since 1962, has lived in Germany. Following his U.S. Navy service, Niemann started in sales for Honeywell in Hamburg and switched to consulting for the Alexander Proudfoot Co. of Chicago, Ill. before working as an independent consultant in Belgium, France, and the Netherlands. He enjoys sailing and golf.

Published: 2007
Page Count: 130