Vengeance Is Mine By D. West
Vengeance Is Mine
World War III has come and gone. Earth is recovering from bombs, missiles, nuclear weapons from the scourge of the most destructive force of nature—mankind. Earth, on the rebound, is bursting with beauty and bounty, lush vegetation, and brilliant hues, a purse crystal clear water and untainted sky.
Humanity, having fallen from grace, is not the dominator of the past. It’s time for the New Order – a place where beings called “the Drew” are masters of this universe. Between six and seven feet tall, head and body similar to a deer, hands and feet analogous to an ape—they are the sophistication of this land: aggressive and bold, they dominate the timid “Hemen.” Having all the weapons, being part of a small a society, they have a great advantage over the more primitive Hemen.
Now the two will come head-to-head in suffering, massacre, and death. Yet, is that the end? Perhaps the two are more alike than they seem.
About the Author
D. West has been an avid reader her entire life. A large portion of her life was wrapped up in horses. She also enjoys gardening, feeding the birds and squirrels, going to church, and feeding the homeless. Vengeance Is Mine was created from a bartending experience in Thorndike, MA.
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Published: 2023
Page Count: 308