The Stone Era

By Jo Ann Stone
Regular price $40.00

The Stone Era is a book with compelling stories from the life of Jo Ann Stone. Stone shares stories from her incredible experience as a search and rescue member to the daily adventures of being a mother. Stone has thrilling stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat and amazed that one person has experienced so much. This biography is a great read for many, from the thrill seeker to the stay-at-home mom.

About the Author

Jo Ann Stone is a not only a mother, but a grandmother, great-grandmother and a great-great-grandmother. Stone is a respected woman in the search and rescue community as well. She has won numerous awards, certificates and has received much recognition for all of the help she has offered over the years. Stone is also a licensed pilot. She is a determined and hardworking woman with a caring heart.

Published: 2017
Page Count: 232