The Desert Plant
The whims of fate are capricious indeed, sometimes striking a dizzying blow and sometimes dropping our fondest wish right in our lap. Within the pages Candio Willenes The Desert Plant we meet Julie and Louis, two people who have been searching for each other all their lives without knowing it. The manner in which fate brings them together is brutal and shocking to be sure; however, come together they do, although they seem to fight it with every fiber in their beings. To further complicate matters, Julies adopted family seems determined to undermine her happiness and all she has worked so hard for all her life, attempting to steal not only her money and her property, but her very peace of mind as well. Will Julie and Louis come to their senses and realize they are meant for each other? Will they end up destitute by refusing to recognize the chicanery which is right under their very noses?
About the Author
A native of Port-au-Price, Haiti, Candio Willene and her husband, Joseph, and their children, William and Jollene, presently make their home in the state of New York. A homemaker, she attended New York Technical College and in her spare time enjoys writing and cooking.
Published: 2004
Page Count: 392