The Book Of Words

By Jesus Picasso
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Whatever the ultimate cause, and whatever we finally think of it, the dark holds its own mystique, never failing to captivate those of us who fall for its otherworldly powers.

Thus, in The Book of Words, Jesus Picasso revels in his fascination for the denizens of this mysterious world, his poems echoing the shadows that lurk therein. Strange and exquisite, for example, may be a black rose, but even thinking of one evokes passions more powerful than many of us are quite ready to dispense ofeveryday.

Jesus The Book of Words affirms the beauty of things beyond ordinary perceptions and experiences.

About the Author

Born and raised in El Paso, Texas, USA, Jesus Picasso is currently majoring in psychology at the Community College. His fields of interest span such subjects as the arts, history, and literature.

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Published: 2014
Page Count: 30