Padres's Wonder
Becoming a parent is a wonderful experience, but when assuming the responsibility for the first time, it can also be a terrifying one. From infant to toddler, the vast array of a parents duties can be overwhelming, and knowing how to handle each step of the journey can be a colossal relief.
In Padress Wonder, Dr. Alfredo Torralbas guides parents through many important aspects of their childs life, from dealing with diaper rash to imaginary friends. Many of the responsibilities of becoming a parent are outlined in detail so as to put the troubled mind at ease, presenting the parent with great insight into caring for a child.
About the Author
Dr. Alfredo Torralbas is a Cuban native and a Board Certified Pediatrician now working in Miami, Florida. During his years practicing medicine, Torralbas found that part of his job was to instruct parents with fears and doubts about raising their children, and to answer questions that he once had himself, which prompted him to write this book. Torralbas has two children, Cosette and Alfred Salvador, and enjoys reading and exercising in his spare time.
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Published: 2011
Page Count: 154