Mind Coins
Mind Coins is an eclectic assortment of short poems, long poems, and supportive prose on subjects ranging from the Great Depression and aging to jazz and a casino in the Dominican Republic. The selected photographs with their accompanying verse further present the spiritual evolution Mind Coins displays.
About the Author
Robert Boni lives in Morristown, New Jersey, with his wife of over fifty years. Now retired, he holds lifetime memberships in the American Society of Metals and the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, as well as serving on a number of boards of directors. But his special interests cover a wide range: business, music, golf, tennis, travel, the outdoors, family, and of course, writing. He recently published Jux-ta-po-si-tions, a three volume series of haiku and senryu. In addition, he is working on Episodic Jack, a compilation of short stories.
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Published: 2004
Page Count: 124