Healing Power For Spirit: Soul: Body
To live a truly fulfilling life, we must not only study the word of God, we must let Gods word study us we must let it permeate our whole being. In order to achieve this state of spiritual awareness, we need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirits rhema an order, an exhortation, a quickening in your spirit, or words of comfort that you found were directed to you as you read the days scripture or that you experienced throughout the day. In Healing Power for Spirit: Soul: Body, Magda T. de la Cerda presents a step-by-step, day-by-day method for achieving rhema. Through guided scriptural reading and detailed note taking, readers are invited to make themselves sensitive to the word of God, thus beginning the spiritual journey to find Healing Power for Spirit: Soul: Body.
About the Author
in memory of Magda de la Cerda A native of Santa Rosa, Texas, Magda T. de la Cerda was a pastor in the United Methodist Church who held a bachelors degree in education and taught in Palm Beach County, Florida, for twenty years. She conducted both radio and prison ministries and served as Spanish Language Liaison for the District Nazarene World Mission. She and her husband, Francisco, raised five children. The couple most recently lived in Florida until Ms. de la Cerdas death in 2004.
Published: 2005
Page Count: 78