He Made A Difference

By Alyce Park Breshears
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To know H.K. Park, you must understand that he lived and fought for the cause that consumed his entire being. When he and his young bride were forced to flee Korea in 1921, he was determined to see his beloved homeland freed of its brutal Japanese occupation. Even as he built a good life for his family in American, he worked continually to ensure that Sygman Rhee, another exile, would lead Korea into democracy, and he was just as determined to thwart any pretender to the leadership. If you are at the right place at the right time, you can feel history shift gears. H.K. Park lived to see a free Korea. He made a difference.

About the Author

Alyce Park Breshears, the daughter of H.K. Park, is a lifelong resident of California, where she and her husband, Robert, are parents to Mychael, Todd, Nycole, and Nathan. Retired, she enjoys reading, writing, and studying the past.

Published: 2005
Page Count: 44