Exciting 456: Four Years Of College In Five Hours For Six Bucks

By John R. Betzler
Regular price $8.00

Ya know, college just doesnt teach you all you need to know about the world. Oh yeah, it gives you good book learning and you certainly get an education, but no way does it prepare you for the real world, no matter what you study. Well, never fear, John R. Betzler has come to your rescue with Exciting 456! This handy little book presents another view of life, one from someone whos done and seen almost everything and hes got the opinions to prove it. Mr. Betzler unequivocally believes hes had a more interesting, exciting, and healthy seventy-seven years on earth than most people, and hes determined to share it with the world in hopes of reaching those who just cant afford a college education. Ranging from personal relationships to college curriculum to politics to religion, Exciting 456 is life in a nutshell.

About the Author

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, and now residing in Folsom, California, John R. Betzler has raised two sons, Stephen and Brian. Now retired, he keeps busy as an author, private entrepreneur, and inventory as well as piloting airplanes and sailing boats.

Published: 2005
Page Count: 32