A Mind In Transformation

By Genaro Marin
Regular price $16.00

What is the impetus that sets a mind in motion, drives ambition, and sets the soul ablaze? It is this journey to enrichment and enlightenment that we take with Guaimi, a young Latino man, on fire for change in an ever-changing world, whose desire to grow knows no bounds. Faced with adversity and stereotypical prejudice, Guaimi realizes he has but two choices: He can either remain society's pawn, being moved about in a controlled this-is-where-you-belong kind of way, or he can step off the board and make his own bold moves. Let his path excite you into changeyou might be surprised at the possibilities!

About the Author

A native of Santiago, Panama, Genaro Marin made the Big AppleNew York Cityhis home for thirty years. Now retired, this former professor at the City University of New York lives in Greenville, South Carolina, with his wife. Mr. Marin holds a bachelors degree in education, a masters in counseling, and a Ph.D. in psychology. His enjoyment of working with teenagers and youth theater groups helped inspire him to write his first book as a way of reaching out to those young minds searching for significance and new ways to contribute in a shrinking world ....

Published: 2008
Page Count: 174