Forgotten Darkness: The Ghost Fleet Crisis: Book 1

By Travis Lee Cornell
Regular price $34.00

About the Book

Lt. Commander Vallie Cross is committed to making sure Joram Delburry, a gifted combat pilot without humanity and a past, learns his lessons: that he is part of a team, that until he accepts this, he will never be the best—something he wants more than anything. He repeatedly fails to win against her in combat flight training and with each defeat, he becomes more dangerous. Everyone knows it, knows that given the right opportunity, he will kill Cross. Into this tight, two-person struggle comes a threat to the universe as a whole. A fleet of ships without signs of life, activity, or signals is approaching the center of intergalactic civilization, quickly defeating, and absorbing all ships and crews that oppose it.

Forgotten Darkness: The Ghost Fleet Crisis: Book 1 begins an expansive trilogy that may reveal enemies, both far and near, working together to defeat a mysterious entity that poses a greater threat to them all.

About the Author

Travis Lee Cornell was born on MacDill AFB, Florida in late 1974 and raised in a family with a long tradition of military service dating back to before the American Revolutionary War. He was an officer in Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary 1988–1993: Specialized in aircraft search and rescue operations and local county emergency management team. Travis Lee Cornell served in the US Army 1993 as a combat medic. He was medically discharged due to non-combat injury. He helped start local sci-fi convention “RadCon” in 1996. He worked with them for more than thirty years as a Minion (volunteer) Coordinator. He worked night security and helped found and start medical personnel on staff as a standard for conventions and renaissance fairs. He is a lifetime cast member of AZ Rocky (Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadowcast). Travis Lee Cornell was first published at fourteen as a poet. Original publishing of Forgotten Darkness was first completely independently published (“I did everything from writing and editing to cover art”) since Edgar Allan Poe.

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 302