
Family: It's All Relative - eBook

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Product Overview

Family: It’s All Relative

by Patricia K. JuAire


Family: It’s All Relative is the author’s catharsis after the loss of her parents in a car accident. Processing how others acted and reacted, led the author to look at who makes up a family and who just shares DNA. Because so many people are struggling to make sense of personal relationships, the author hopes readers of this book see that there is no model that must be adhered to regarding family.


About the Author

Patricia K. JuAire has been a JH/HS ELA teacher in Kansas for twelve years, and she has almost completed the dual master’s program for school and clinical counseling at Emporia State University. JuAire has two adult children and one grandson. She enjoys reading almost all genres and, when she can, enjoys riding horses and hitting the lake.



(2022, ebook)


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