Darkness Descending

By A.R. Anderson
Regular price $18.00

About the Book

Darkness Descending vividly describes the corruption and failure of the political elite in the United States. As a result of these events, the country is brought to the brink of war, there is a cyber-attack on the U.S. power grid, and there is a release of a virus that causes people to be either killed outright or engulfed by a murderous rage. Nathan, Sarah, Brandon, and Angela must struggle to survive the hellscape they find themselves living in now.

About the Author

A.R. Anderson was born in Michigan, where he also currently resides. He is a forty-eight year old heavy duty diesel transit mechanic. He has been a professional mechanic for the past thirty years and plans to retire in 6.5 years. His hobbies include hunting, camping, shooting, gunsmithing, loading ammo, woodworking, and reading. He has a lovely wife, an annoying dog, and a quarter horse who he claims his wife loves more than she loves him.

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 208

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Darkness Descending by A.R. Anderson

I love the writing style of the author- I haven't been able to put it down to even share it with others yet. This prepper fiction is ultra-realistic, entertaining and oh so educational. I think this is a great book to share with anyone that isn't in much of a prepper mindset. It will grab 'em by the ears like gramma and shake 'em up a little!