What's Ya Name?
Whats in a name? Well, according to Jimmy Key, quite a bit. We name our pets, he writes, our newborn babies, and many of us even name our plants, so why dont we name that machine that gets us from place to place? It certainly is much more useful than a houseplant. Thats where the author steps in with the answer to the question Whats Ya Name? as he offers a range of names that could fit any vehicle on the road. But its not just the names that matter here what good is a name if you cant show it off? so the author presents most of the names in versions that would fit on your own personalized license plate. So if your Hooptie is MOLUV, 2HOT4U, HRDCORE, or just the 1 4 ME, no one will have to ask, Whats Ya Name?
About the Author
A native of Alabama who currently resides in New Jersey, Jimmy Key is a graduate of Essex County College in Newark. He works for the Nestls Beverage Company and his interests include fishing, bowling, and basketball.
Published: 2006
Page Count: 50