The ABC's Of IPP's: The Beginner's Guide to Developing Individual Program Plans for Your Clients (A.K.A Implementation Plan)

By John A. Reyna
Regular price $10.00

The ABC’s of IPP’s: The Beginner's Guide to Developing Individual Program Plans for Your Clients (A.K.A Implementation Plan) is your detailed guide on how to develop a program for developmentally delayed individuals who wish to become more independent.

Using simple and easy-to-follow language and the process known as skilled acquisition training, this guide includes step-by-step instructions on developing a personalized plan unique to each individual’s needs, wants, and desires in becoming more independent in their home and community!

About the Author

John A. Reyna was the chief operating officer and co-founder of Reyna Group Home from 2003-2018. His job duties included oversight of five facilities with up to 24 clients and 35 employees; he was the organization's spokesperson, crisis intervention trainer, court liaison, educational liaison, and author of all clients’ individual program plans.

John has a bachelor's degree (with honors) in healthcare administration from the University of Phoenix. He is a Professional Crisis Management Instructor, Level 2, and CPR trainer. He has also contributed his time through volunteering as a member and chairman of the Florida Local Advocacy Council; and has assisted in organizing school protests to advocate for students with developmental disabilities and their families.

His wife Amy was the CEO/cofounder, his partner, and love of his life for over 25 years. She, along with the couple’s three children, have given him the patience, love, and understanding to work in the industry. Together, the couple has won numerous awards for their hard work and dedication to helping those with developmental disabilities.

Published: 2022
Page Count: 58