Emotional Hustler

By Lola Wantz
Regular price $11.00

WARNING: Adult Content

Emotional Hustler exposes all of the bad behaviors and ill-natured traits of typical emotional hustlers you might meet at a strip club. Lola Wantz is a victim who used the bad traits taught to her by her predator while she was growing up. She has had a wild and crazy life, but never has she chosen to sell her dignity or self-respect for any financial gain—she walked away from that lifestyle before she saw it consume the girls who stayed in it.

Some dancers turn to prostitution, which is now rampant. What is worse is women are glamorizing that fast-cash lifestyle. This is an epidemic now, and Lola wants to talk about it.

About the Author

Lola Wantz was in her early twenties when she started writing her feelings down on paper. She realized it was a book that she was creating when she was about twenty-six. She was dancing at the time and realized she was causing some of the character traits that she was writing about. She wanted to publish her book back then, but she’s glad that didn’t happen—it wasn’t ready. Lola now feels like it’s her duty to educate people on these traits, which are unfavorable, and unfortunately they are making good traits extinct.

Published: 2017
Page Count: 84

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
The Mark
Precision of Interpretation

This book is in part a coming to terms with a socially challenging lifestyle.
Challenging for the individual and society at large.
Public opinion varies when it comes to the the profession of stripping.
The book appears as if written solely to give the reader an unadulterated back stage pass into that experience.
How Lola Wantz becomes an Emotional Hustler and how that directed the course of her life.
The book is also a manifesto of Lola's theory of Character Traits.
A self taught system of interpreting people.
To paraphrase, an Emotional Hustler is an individual who is capable of reading others and using that knowledge to gain advantage in dealings with them.
Success could be described as the precision with which one is able to read, and deftness of utilizing that knowledge.
Later in the book, the theory is extrapolated to society at large, where Lola points to patterns of Character Traits manifesting there.
And, what possible societal ills we might alleviate should we choose to addressed those Character Traits.
What Lola Wantz is to share her experience in order to bring awareness to the art of the Emotional Hustle, and by extension how it helps shape society.