Country Girl: Walk Softly But Carries A Big Stick: The Works

By Carolyn Henson Green
Regular price $16.00

As believers in Christ, we all have many tasks to fulfill, or jobs that need to be done. These tasks are not always easy, but with faith in Christ, anything is possible. In this booklet, Henson Green details the trials and tribulations of her life, all of which she overcame thanks to God. Taking control of one’s life is not easy, but it is necessary in order to master one’s dreams in life, and to fly like an eagle to one’s destination.

About the Author

Carolyn Henson Green grew up on a farm, always doing things out of the norm. After college, Henson Green joined many organizations to try to feel at home. She enjoys basketball, baseball, tennis, pool, dancing, reading, and cooking. Henson Green stays involved in leadership assembly clubs. She never has a dull moment.

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Published: 2022
Page Count: 30

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Carolyn Green
Country Girl Walk Softly but Carries a Big Stick: The Works

I think the book is definitely an inspiration to keep pushing yourself through the obstacles of the storms of life journey. We all have challenges but don't give up continue to do your best whatever you do in life. Hope for a better tomorrow.