Myths, Legends, And Other Minor Tragedies

By Jolene
Regular price $13.00

About the Book

Exactly how much of who we are could be ascribed to the people, places, and things in them that personally touched us? All these things are like a cornucopia of experiences that we could draw upon to define who we are.

So it is for Myths, Legends, and Other Minor Tragedies, by Jolene, who admits to baring a part of her soul in the following pages to mark the procession of things and events that hint at how they have made her.

Reading a collection of poems as personal as Myths, Legends, and Other Minor Tragedies promises to be like an act of partaking in a silent communion to examine and perhaps, clean all the ambiguousness long accumulated in the deep recesses of our being.

About the Author

Jolene spends her time as a domestic engineer for the Cumber-Pagel family. With boy friend of twelve years, David Cumber, Jolene has two children, Hunter, and Alexander. Jolene spends some time being a musician playing an alto saxophone. She is also an active Earth Witch, which adopts a special affinity with plants and animals and all things natural.

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Published: 2012
Page Count: 92