How To Pack A Giraffe

By April Thomas Beker, Illustrated Susan Litsios
Regular price $15.00

About the Book

It is exciting when the circus comes to town and the elephants parade around so everyone will know that they have arrived. People are busy caring for the animals and setting up the circus in a new town. There is a petting zoo and animal rides, and of course the performances. It is spectacular, but soon it is time to leave and move to another town. One little boy wonders after the circus departs one night how this all works, how they pack up and move all the animals so fast but especially, how they pack the giraffes? It is not until the following year when the circus again comes to town that he finds the answer to this question. This is a charming book about the ins and outs of circus life, and gives a bit of insight into the mechanics of the European circus.

About the Author

April Thomas Beker was born in California but has been living in Europe with her family since 1979. She is the author of many childrens books. She is the president of the Fundacion Erol Beker. ABOUT THE ILLUSTRATOR Susan Litsios was born in Philadelphia, PA and is a renowned printmaker. She is a graduate of The Cooper Union Art School in New York City. She is married and the mother of six children. She has been living in Switzerland since 1967.

Published: 2006
Page Count: 32