Kristofur Kitty Crossing The Street

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About the Book

Jennifer D. Hartmann Kristofur Kitty wants to cross the street And meet his Sissy at school But first must learn the dos and donts And follow his mommys rules. First he looks left for a count of three And then he looks to his right Then he looks to his left once again Cause speeding cars can give him a fright! If there are no cars and the way is clear Then there is one more thing he must do He holds Mommys hand as he crosses quickly And always obeys at the rules!

About the Author

Twenty-three-year-old Jennifer D. Hartmann discovered the gift of writing long ago but just recently found her talent in writing childrens books. Writing poetry and songs since childhood, this talented young woman has always had an affinity for the spoken word and now conveys the beauty of education through her books. A loving wife and mother, she has found it easier to teach her young daughter to be aware of certain dangers by creating a fun-loving character in Kristofur Kitty and his family. With this character now well enhanced and on his way, Jennifer believes she has the ability and the dedication to be the top writer of juvenile books.

Published: 2003
Page Count: 28