300 Traditional Poems

By Pei Yang
Regular price $25.00

Author 裴阳, Pei Yang, has collected three hundred of his poems inspired by his travels and other written works and carefully translated each poem from its original Chinese to English so a wider audience can appreciate the beauty of traditional Chinese poetry.

All of life can be poetic, and what is poetic can be found in simple things we do each day. Readers, no matter what language they speak, can find commonalities and moments that resonate a deeper understanding of our common humanity.

About the Author

裴阳, Pei Yang, immigrated to the United States from China in 1992 as a graduate student. He has been teaching English and Chinese in a high school in Irvine, California, since 1996. He enjoys traveling, reading, and writing poems in Chinese. He is also the proud and happy grandpa to his one-year-old grandson.

Published: 2022
Page Count: 432