31 Days Of Down Syndrome: A Handbook For Special Families

By Cheryl and Ray Patterson
Regular price $21.00

Having someone in your family with special needs can be a challenge for some. With this book full of tips on how to cope with these needs and how to deal with other’s reaction, this firsthand experienced family will guide you on your journey, specifically those with Down Syndrome. This experience, a sudden change in life, can be emotionally over-whelming, draining, and the most fulfilling moment a family can experience. The Patterson family provides real world experience of what is yet to come and help those realize that this is the more heart-warming event of their lives.


“If you are a parent who has just found out their child has Down Syndrome, you will find 31 Days of Down Syndrome an invaluable help. Maybe you know someone who has a family member that is differently abled, and this book will give you insights into what they face daily. The authors, Cheryl and Ray Patterson, have brought a true jewel to the field of understanding those considered different. Different is good. The Pattersons share insights they have gained over the nineteen years they have had the joy of being parents to their son who has Down Syndrome. They are right when they emphasize that Down Syndrome does not define their child. Their son, Logan, has Down Syndrome; he is not Down Syndrome.

Authors Cheryl and Ray Patterson desire to take the reader of 31 Days of Down Syndrome on a journey with their family. This journey gives the reader insight into what it means to parent a differently-abled child. Their style of writing is more sharing than teaching. This is a highly informative book that should be read by anyone who knows a differently-abled child or adult. It is important to understand that different is good, and there are multiple blessings in diversity. One thing the Pattersons make sure comes across is a positive attitude and outlook toward being different. All of us are different from the rest of us and accepting that fact leads to growth in unity and love. This book will help you know how to ask the right questions and learn to accept those whom you find to be different.”

Reviewed by Daniel D Staats for Readers' Favorite

About the Author

Cheryl Faux Patterson is a mother of two who has been registered as a radiological technician and safety officer in the medical field for over twenty years. She enjoys living healthy, exercise, running half marathons, the beach, and world travel.

Published: 2021
Page Count: 74