
By Angus Armstrong
Regular price $16.00

About the Book

Oceia is a tale about cousins who play a game of adventure and excitement. Similar to the stories of Jumanji and Zathura, this exciting adventure takes place in the ocean.

When the young cousins stumble upon a mysterious boardgame, “Oceia,” they decide to play, learning to trust and believe in each other to survive the dangerous ocean creatures and end the game. By enduring the hardships and obstacles of the game, they discover a new admiration for each other and that they too can also trust and believe in themselves.

About the Author

Angus Armstrong is 22 years old and has autism. He often struggles with socializing in group settings and change, so he turned to writing as a creative outlet. He also wanted to prove to himself that he could become a published author and that anything is possible.

Currently attending a program for students with disabilities at Syracuse University allows Angus to audit college classes and get the "college experience." He loves to act and has been involved in many plays. Also an avid sports fan of mostly college football and basketball, he enjoys all sports. Angus is the youngest of three children and has a very supportive family.

Published: 2021
Page Count: 200