Joey's Adventures

By King
Regular price $9.00

About the Book

What can a young kangaroo teach kids about life? If that kangaroo is Joey, the answer is "plenty." From lessons about talking to strangers to what to do when you're tempted by your peers with cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol, Joey demonstrates how a child with the loving support of his parents, can live a safe life and avoid the harm that can come any child's way. Each of these lessons is presented in clear loving language that will be accessible to the young and serve as a guide for parents looking for a way to talk about difficult subjects with their children.

About the Author

Inspired by his wife, Christopher King wrote down the bedtime stories he was telling his three-year-old daughter. The result is this collection of moral fables for difficult times. A resident of Missouri, Mr. King is married and has three children. He enjoys cross country skiing, bowling, camping, fishing, and hiking.

Published: 2002
Page Count: 32