The Pendant

By Dennis Flamini
Regular price $14.00

About the Book

Eons ago a race of people came to earth

because their planet was dying.

Their civilization has lived here since that time.

Since their technology was more advanced

and also potentially threatening it was decided

it would be kept a secret.

Now many centuries later

Michael finds a mysterious pendant

while scuba diving and discovers its special powers.

As he explores how to use the pendant

he finds answers to many questions about his life.

In his search for answers he finds the ruins

of a lost civilization, his ancestors.

Published: 2017
Page Count: 156

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Lisa Hill
The Pendant

I am writing in support of a new book--THE PENDANT written by Dennis Flamini. The book grabs you from the get go. By the time you have read the book the words "thought provoking" make the reader insist that Flamini continue with more time travel and exploration he has begun. The charactors are not only well developed---but seem more like friends. I find myself wanting to book a flight to the Bahamas to continue where the author left off. A friend asked me what I was reading and I confess it is difficult to answer him. Put me in the line that craves MORE.
whoever did the cover is brilliant