The Story Of Briggie: One Man's Journey Whose Goal Is To Find A Solutionable Resolution And Heaven On Earth

By Brigitte A. Hubbard
Regular price $16.00

After her accident Briggie lay on her sickbed exhausted and in pain and questioned herself about life and about God. Her musings led her to form her own iconoclastic religious philosophy and to reject many of the more conventional religious dogmas. She reasons that God is within us all, and that love and respect for one another is the first and greatest commandment. Briggie shows us her vision of how life here could become a heaven on earth, and lays out her ideas on topics as various as our monetary system, diet, and prison reform. Underlying it all is the theme of love and respect for the earth and all of us spirits who are lucky enough to inhabit it.

About the Author

Briggie, Brigitte Hubbard, was a war orphan in a German orphanage when she was adopted by a U.S. military officer and his wife. As an army brat she experienced many different cultures as her father was posted around the world. Eventually she found her way into show business where she met and fell in love with Freddie Hubbard, the jazz-trumpet player. They have been together ever since.

Published: 2006
Page Count: 200