Sacred Love Echoes Through Eternity

By Reva Novinger Perez
Regular price $8.00

About the Book

Born in Edina, Missouri, writing poetry has been Reva Novinger Perezs lifelong passion, but she has never taken it anywhere until now. She has had a very colorful past and the lessons she has learned make her the person she is today. A part of this living lesson was a dark period of her life when she was involved with illegal drugs. As she descended into the nightmare of nearly two long years in a womens prison, she began to put her life back together. Her spiritual side started to evolve as she explored her Native American roots and developed an understanding of walking the Red Road. She prayed for a teacher to guide her, and that teacher became her husband, Christian. Their relationship has flourished; their spiritual bond has been a humbling experience for both. All of Perezs poetry has stemmed from love she and Christian have experienced since becoming one. There is a new meaning to freedom and living life to its fullest, not only as a wife and mother, but as a person. Her writing speaks of truth as well as love, all as seen through the eyes of experience, a fulfilling poetic experience readers will both enjoy and relate to.

Published: 2006
Page Count: 32