Don't Be Rude, Let's Include!

By Tony L. Thomas
Regular price $18.00

Dont Be Rude, Lets Include! is about love and inclusion through enlightening/reinforcing the fact that the disabled are people too. Everyone has a purpose. Everyone is welcome. Everyone deserves love. Change your mood, dont be rude, lets include! This story shows the creative methods one could use to enlighten/reinforce life morals that are as basic as saying please and thank you to your children. Treating people with dignity and respect is a relevant life skill that needs to be used every chance we get. The author explains, “While playing dolls and action figures with my children, I noticed they were shunning the dolls and action figures that were missing one of or some combination of arms, hands, legs, or feet. I immediately recognized this as a teaching moment.” Inclusion and love for all. Everyone has a purpose. Everyone is welcome. Everyone deserves love.

About the Author

Tony L. Thomas is part of a Facebook Community Non-Profit group called BABU (Bridgeton Area Brothers United). His hobbies include chess, jigsaw puzzles, biking, hiking, and traveling. His special interest focuses on domestic violence advocacy. Mr. Thomas has two girls and two boys, as well as six grandchildren—three boys and three girls. Mr. Thomas has worked with the autistic, mentally disabled, and physically challenged for more than twenty years. The joy he gets from helping them develop was only rivaled by his own childrens development.

Published: 2024
Page Count:

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Cynthia Luckett
Don't Be Rude, Let's Include!?

My grandson and I really enjoyed reading this book together, Thank you!

Filling in the gaps of inclusivity!

This is a big world full of advancements. Changing and developing more everyday. Technology is at the forefront of it all right now. This is a wonderful book to have on any shelf, personal or scholastic, so that we can be apart of the biggest picture possible.