Finding The Rainbow: The Other Side Of A Cancer Journey

By LeeAnn Tripp
Regular price $15.00

In 2014, LeeAnn Tripp was diagnosed with an inoperable cancerous brain tumor. Despite the prognosis of “maybe a couple of years,” she achieved remission after radiation treatment. But re-entering the world post-cancer was not the victorious, blasted-confetti-across-the-stage feeling she expected. Yearning for the days when she could fall asleep without a cocktail of antidepressants and anxiety meds, as well as the community of cheerleaders who had rallied around her, LeeAnn looked to start her life over. But how?

This is not LeeAnn Tripp’s life story, but a significant story from her life. She has been blessed with the gift of time to reflect and share the lessons learned along the way. Herein lies the purpose for this short memoir: to share her unexpected cancer survival journey and, in doing so, provide hope for those who feel abandoned, restore sanity to the ones who feel confused or spinning, and, if successful, inspire a path to finding the rainbow after the storm.

About the Author

LeeAnn Tripp is a Pittsburgh native and married mother of two. In 2014, she was diagnosed with a rare diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, a vicious brain tumor located in the brain stem. After successfully completing thirty-six rounds of radiation treatment, her prognosis has extended to nine plus years. She continues to enjoy good health, fueled by creative work, passionate living, regular jogs, strong faith, and the love of her friends and family. She resides in Central Pennsylvania. While she has previously published articles in academic journals, this is her first published book.

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 122

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Mary A

I found this book to be very interesting and uplifting. The author provides perspective, and even includes concise practical tips for anyone going through this emotionally and physically wrenching experience. Highly recommend

Beautiful & brave story

This is a wonderful, easy read packed with insights from the patient’s perspective. Very inspiring!

Amy Berridge
Finding the Rainbow

A compelling and inspirational read for anyone facing a serious health condition, Ms. Tripp offers a perfect mix of personal revelations, slice of life anecdotes, and practical tips for cancer survivor/thrivers. As a former employee who has been on the front lines of the cancer "industry," she also offers an informed point of view on our nation's most challenging health care issues. But perhaps most important of all, she offers her readers hope.

