The Miracle Girl

By Wilma Hochstetler
Regular price $15.00

About the Book

It is 1812, and life in the Netherlands is simplistic yet gratifying for Hannah and her parents. As a young woman of eighteen, Hannah begins exploring life around her, and she discovers that not everyone in the world is as kind and gentle as she had imagined.

Throughout her rich life, Hannah discovers, through a number of unique and charming relationships, that kindness, decency, and respect always prevail over evil. Her travels take her to different points on the globe, yet she always comes back to her beautiful life in the Netherlands; a life rich with unconditional love, acceptance, and gratitude for people, regardless of their color or heritage.

About the Author

Wilma Hochstetler resides in Indiana with her husband and three children. Wilma grew up on an Amish farm in Indiana. She and her family had a big garden, and they mowed the lawn with push movers, milked cows by hand, and gathered eggs in their chicken house. This farm also served as inspiration for her second novel, The Miracle Girl. Her first novel was Annas Journey.

Wilma is a stay-at-home mom, and she enjoys writing, crocheting, and sewing in her spare time.

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Published: 2014
Page Count: 164