Gain Self-Esteem Poetically

By Madam Sorrow
Regular price $8.00

Suddenly I descend into my dwelling
Because as for the world, surely Im not
Ready to face.
My spirit and my soul often disagree;
Therefore, I know theres something
Better for me,
Even if its not in vision at this time.
Ill prepare for it and pray
That relief will come in due time.

Sometimes we may lose sight of whats really important in our lives and worry about struggles we must all face. But we must never lose hope, for there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Gain Self-Esteem Poetically is a refreshing collection of Madam Sorrows inspirational words, which keeps us in tune with our inner strengths and weaknesses. Only by realizing we can rise above the battles we fight can we each love ourselves and be fulfilled.

About the Author

A mother of three and a care manager for a nursing facility, Madam Sorrow is a member of the Art Gallery Poetry Night, the Nile Caf Poetry Night, and the Jahari Bookstore Poetry Night. She also enjoys singing and baking.

Published: 2008
Page Count: 32

Customer Reviews

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Shantell Lewis
great read

I love this book