The Demon's House Of Wrath

By Tom Bomb
Regular price $25.00

Zok is a demon and sibling of the House of Wrath. His specialty is war, and he is accomplished in his field. Throughout history, whenever and wherever there has been a bloody battle, big or small, Zok played a vital role in spurning it along. The Demons House of Wrath is a gripping journey through time from the reign of King Charles in the fourteenth century up to the two World Wars, shining a light on the perspective and motivations of pure evil, and those who choose to follow it.

About the Author

Tom Bomb grew up in a small town on Lake Michigan. He is a veteran of the United States Army airborne infantry and has traveled all over Europe, Central America, and the United States. Tom Bomb resides in Michigan with his wife.

Published: 2024
Page Count: 380

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Becky Alfaro

I love a book that has mystery and a plot. I love sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what's going to happen next in this book! And even with the twists and turns and drama it still involves romance! I highly recommend this book and think you will recommend it to others also!


This book had a lot of plot twists to it. It’s great at keeping you hooked. I wanted to finish it all in one night. The book reads like an onion, multilayered. I recommend this book if your into horror type books. Steven king watch out!

Hank Speaks
Amazing read

When I stared reading this I couldn't stop turning pages. If you like vivid tellings of warfare this book is for you. If you like a story with plot twists this book is for you. If you like reading interesting literature.....this book is for you.

Julie White
Great read

This is a great read. I didn't want to put it down because of all the twist I want to know what was happening next. I have loaned it out to friends that's how good it is.

E Edward
More twists than a knotted snake

This book is multilayered and written with a wicked sense of humor. Can't wait for the movie.